Design Cart - Online Shopping Cart Easy Dynamic Secure Scalable
Pricing Guide for DesignCart's Online Shopping Carts
DesignCart prides itself on offering the best prices for online shopping carts on the market today. Just compare what we offer and charge to what other shopping carts will really cost you. That type of comparison makes it clear that DesignCart is your best choice. Choose from one of the options listed here to find the shopping cart that is best suited your business's online credit card processing needs. If you need help please contact us.

Choose one of these competitive options:

Upgrade Package

Upgrade Package -

The upgrade package includes these additional features:
  • Custom Layout - The shopping cart order form/checkout pages are fully customizable with background image/color, logo, buttons and font/text-color input. For more advanced users, there is even the ability to add your own custom header and footer. DesignCart provides a link back to the last page where your customer was shopping and generates a unique invoice number for each order.
  • Inventory Control - Inventory control can notify you when you are running low on inventory, or to prevent your customers from buying items that are out of stock. There is even the ability to allow items to be ordered on Back Order.
  • Coupon Management - This feature provides the ability to setup unlimited coupons based on dollar or percentage discounts on an individual product or on the item quantity. These coupons can be given out and redeemed by an unlimited number of your customers.
  • Gift Certificates - Provides the ability to sell an unlimited number of gift certificates that act as prepaid cash. Sell specific gift certificate amounts or allow the value to be created by your customers.
  • Recurring Billing - Recurring billing provides the ability to charge your customer(s) automatically at any given interval.
  • Tax Information - Some merchants may be required to charge tax based on the customer's county, or city. This feature enables the ability to add individual tax rates based on county or city location.
  • QuickBooks - Provides a download of your order information into QuickBooks IIF file using this utility. This file can be easily imported into QuickBooks to save you time with data entry.
For a one-time fee of just $25 and an additional $10 per month you can start using any or all of these additional features today! Simply click the "Add Upgrade Package" box above.

The recurring costs that you pay have an important effect on your business's bottom-line. Depending on the scale of your business an online shopping cart saves you the added costs of processing credit card orders by utilizing an automated system. Maintaining an online shopping cart is a fixed cost that you should try to minimize. DesignCart prides itself on offering the best online shopping carts available on the market today with the best pricing.


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