"for Hudson Motor Cars"
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Headliner bow grommets 1948 - 57 Sedan & Hardtop qty 14 Coupe-12 $5.00 each #201  $5.00    $5.00   
Shipping & Handling:$13.00
Total may not include tax or shipping
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For International orders shipping and handling will be charged separately and/or additional shipping and handling charges may be added. For US orders, additional shipping and handling charges may be added for some larger/heavier parts. Effective January 1, 2021, due to the change in the Valued Added Tax (VAT) rules, we are requiring all United Kingdom customers to purchase a minimum of $200.00 in goods in order for the goods to be shipped directly to the UK. On orders less than $200.00 the goods must be shipped to a US address. We are very sorry for any inconvenience this may cause our UK customers and appreciate your business. Effective July 1, 2021, European Union (EU) member states will collect value added tax (VAT) for all goods entering the EU. The VAT ranges from 17% to 27% depending on the EU member state, not including any applicable duties or fees. VAT, duties, and fees WILL NOT be paid during the checkout process with Wildrick Rubber Parts. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the customer to pay the added costs at Customs. These added costs may exceed the merchandise’s value. Also, this may cause delays in receiving your package.

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